Parvana is collaborating with an MBA research initiative at the University of Essex and we request your assistance in assessing the value of Job Recruitment Advertising Portals.
There will be a random draw amongst valid participants and the winner will receive a Raspberry Pi 3B+. I do hope it will be you
The Survey
Parvana have, sometime in the last number of years, assisted you in a recruitment capacity. We may have connected via job portals (PNET, Career Junction, Careers24, Indeed etc.), personal referrals or social media.
Please would you participate in a quick survey about your recruitment preferences? There are 10 questions that should take less than 1 minute.
Who will the survey help?
1. The data will be used as part of an MBA Dissertation on the “The effectiveness of Job Portals”.
2. It will help Parvana improve their service to you
3. It is hoped that the ultimate findings of this survey will add value to the global recruitment community and help the industry add a higher value offering to job-seekers.
We haven’t asked you for any personal data. We will not link any answer to any individual and all information will be presented in an aggregated form. Confidentiality is absolutely assured. We will be happy to provide you with the aggregated data at the completion of the study should it interest you?
Thank you. We will close survey responses on the 15 May 2019.
Please click here